ATCEV celebrates the Senate confirmation of Rosiemarie Hidalgo to serve as the director of the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). The Senate confirmed Ms. Hidalgo on July 11 in a bipartisan vote, making her the first Senate-confirmed director to lead OVW since 2012, and the first Latina to hold the office.

Ms. Hidalgo is immensely qualified to lead the office, bringing with her more than 25 years of work experience addressing gender-based violence. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Hidalgo served as a special assistant to President Biden and senior advisor on gender-based violence at the White House Gender Policy Council and is the former senior director of public policy for Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities, a national resource center with a focus on providing training, research, and policy advocacy to prevent and end domestic violence and sexual assault.

ATCEV and the 19 tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions look forward to working with Ms. Hidalgo in her new role as OVW director and look forward to her support and commitment to advance tribal sovereignty and safety of American Indian and Alaska Native survivors.

The Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence (ATCEV) is a Native-led and organization nonprofit organization working to advance Tribal sovereignty and the safety of American Indian and Alaska Native women by providing support to Tribal Coalition and Tribal communities in their efforts to address equal justice for survivors of violence.