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Run for Kyaptsi: 2 Mile & 5k Run/Walk

October 14
Event Details

A message from the Hopi-Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse;

Hopi-Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse is a non-profit tribal coalition providing training, technical assistance, advocacy support, and cultural programming in the efforts to address and end violence against Native women.

We must carry the movement to end violence against our Native women and girls. A movement began with our grandmothers, mothers, and sisters that increased awareness of domestic violence, pushed for support for victims and survivors, and initiated efforts for prevention grounded in culture and traditional teachings that have been passed down for generations and will continue for those to come. We continue to honor their legacy for a safe community for all.

Proceeds from the run will go towards HTWCEA initiatives for youth, healing, and wellness for safer communities.

Itam soosoyam naakyaptsiyungni – It takes ALL of us to end domestic violence!

When: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Where: Hopi Veteran’s Memorial Center, Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039 & Virtual ( A location of your choice)
Time: Registration will begin at 7:00 AM. Walk/run begins at 8:00 AM.
Distance: 2 mile & 5K
Run Entry Fee: $30

PLEASE NOTE: Paid Registration includes a T-Shirt (Adult unisex sizes small to 3XL available). T-Shirts will be available the day off the walk/run. For virtual participants, there will be a $5.00 shipping charge.


Share pictures of your walk/run, t-shirt, or selfies on your social media using any of these hashtags:
#RunforKyaptsi #DVAM2023 #HTWCEA #Hopi #Tewa #Run #Walk

Contact: roxanne.joseyesva@htwcea.org or 928-225-6942.”


Hopi-Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse

