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Image of bonfire with text for event on October 28 7-9pm for Seven Dancers Coalition in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Community Bonfire & StoryTelling

October 28
Event Details

Join the Seven Dancers Coalition for the Community Bonfire & StoryTelling event in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).


Perry Ground- Talking Turtle Stories: Stories dedicated to healthy relationships, roles, and responsibilities.

S’mores-Story Telling- Snacks- Raffles

For more information please contact: (518) 358-2916 | events@seven-dancers.com

Image of bonfire with text for event on October 28 7-9pm for Seven Dancers Coalition in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Mohawk International Speedway

313 Frogtown Rd
Akwesasne, NY 13655 United States