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Cultural Safety

September 24 - September 25
Event Details

“This two-day training is designed to educate and acquaint you with some of the history and traditions of Indigenous people. Before you begin working with survivors of trauma in our territories, we wanted to make sure you had the foundation to provide informed case conclusion.

Seven Dancers Coalition has brought together experts from our territory, who will provide knowledgeable background for today’s cases. You will begin with the origins of our people, our Creation Story, and hear traditional teachings that have guided our families since time immemorial. Through powerful presentations, you’ll learn about the legacies of colonization and the ways in which we’re gathering the embers to rebuild our fire of resilience and healing. We have planned a sweat lodge ceremony for our group, and hope you will attend!

We honor your work and welcome you to this special training and to Akwesasne.”

Tuscarora Nation House

5226 Walmore Road
Lewiston, NY 14092 United States